Enrollment options

Tuberculosis and HIV is a disease of poverty that need to garner more attention from the global community. This presentation aims to be a primer for TB/HIV co-infection for those learning the basic concepts of both. Through this presentation, the learner will be able to explore the link between HIV, Tuberculosis and Poverty and gain familiarity with diagnosing active tuberculosis, first-line therapy for drug-susceptible tuberculosis and management for diagnosis and treating latent tuberculosis infection.  Implications to the link to poverty will be further explored with an introduction to the existence of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis and the global movement to end the TB Epidemic.

Be the end of this training participants will be able to:

  1. Visualize the global burden of Tuberculosis and Tuberculosis/HIV Co-infection.
  2. Understand the diagnosis and treatment for uncomplicated, first-line drug susceptible tuberculosis in the setting of HIV.
  3. Become aware of the diagnosis and treatment options for Latent Tuberculosis in the setting of HIV.
  4. Explore the link between Poverty, HIV and Tuberculosis.

Self enrollment (Student)